Nowhere But Up, Film Screening
NoHa Collective partnered with London Based filmmaker Ainslie Senfuka to screen his 4th short-film, Nowhere But Up.
Director’s Note
so far my experience moving away from home has been very rocky, to say the least. for my next film ‘nowhere but up’, explores the crazy first two months a bit more in-depth through spoken word written by myself. there’s been many highs and probably ten times as many lows but I’ve definitely learnt a lot. filmed this in one day, shooting was hectic so have to thank you very much to Yasmin Elmi for her enthusiasm, collaboration and patience on this project. this film will be out next week, so i hope you enjoy it."
-Ainslie Senfuka
there will be times on your own when you feel you’re running out of luck, but when you’re stuck at the bottom know there’s nowhere but up